Polkadot 新闻
1- I am holding an AMA today on Reddit on the topic of Staking, from 14.00-15.00 CET. Ask your questions here:
今天 14.00-15.00 CET 时间,我将在 Reddit 举行一个 关于 Staking 的 AMA。欢迎来提问:
2- PolkaWorld has issued their September report about their efforts to explain Polkadot in China.
PolkaWorld 发布了9月报,关于他们在中国介绍 Polkadot 的努力。
3- The Polkadot staking rate has been holding steady at approximately 63.7%
波卡质押率稳定在 63.7% 左右。
Kusama 新闻
1- There is a motion to hold an 11th parachain auction currently under consideration by the Kusama Council. Details and rationale are here:
关于第11条平行链的动议正在被 Kusama 理事会考虑。具体:
2- The Ending Period of the current auction begins today, and so far Parallel Heiko is in the lead.
拍卖的结束时段今天开始,目前 Parallel Heiko 领先。
3- The Kintsugi BTC crowdloan has reached its cap of 200_000 KSM.
Kintsugi 的 BTC 众贷已达 200_000 KSM 的市值。
4- Approximately 21.2% ( 2_446_100 KSM) of total KSM issuance is locked for either crowdloans or for parachain slots.
The staking rate on Kusama has been holding steady at approximately 43.6%.
约 21.2% ( 2_446_100 KSM) 的 KSM 发行量被用来为众贷或平行链插槽锁仓。Kusama 的质押率为 43.6% 左右。