Polkadot 新闻
1- Polkadot 0.9.11 has been released, with upgrade priority MEDIUM. This release introduces a database migration; you will not be able to revert to 0.9.10 without resyncing the chain.
Polkadot 0.9.11 版本已发布,为中级优先度。本次发布有一个数据库迁移。在和链重新同步前无法返回 0.9.10。
2- Reminder to all node operators, both Polkadot and Kusama: please upgrade your nodes to at least 0.9.10 by Monday, 11 Oct, as older nodes will be unable to sync after the v9100 runtime upgrade.
所有波卡和 Kusama 的节点运营,请务必在周一10月11日前升级至 0.9.10,因为当 runtime 升级至 v9100 后旧节点将无法同步。
3- Referendum 36, upgrading the Polkadot runtime to v9100, has been fast-tracked by the Technical Committee and is now up for vote by all DOT holders.
民主公投 36,将波卡 runtime 升级至 v9100 被技术委员会快速追踪,现在所有 DOT 持有人都可进行投票。
4- Referendum 37, upgrading the Polkadot runtime to v9100, has been fast-tracked by the Technical Committee and is now up for vote by all DOT holders.
民主公投 36,将波卡 runtime 升级至 v9100 被技术委员会快速追踪,现在所有 DOT 持有人都可进行投票。
4- The Polkadot Hackathon Global series starts with Asia Pacific (APAC) on October 22. This also includes a "Docathon" for tutorial, documentation, and explainers.
波卡亚太黑客松系列将在10月22日开始。本次还有作教程、记录和解释的 “Docathon”。
Kusama 新闻
1- The Ending Period of the current auction has just started, and Kintsugi is currently in the lead.
本次拍卖的结束阶段开始,Kintsugi 目前领先。
2- Referendum 135, upgrading to Kusama runtime to v9100, has been fast-tracked by the Technical Committee and is now up for vote by all KSM holders.
民主公投 135,升级 Kusama runtime 至 v9100,被技术委员会快速追踪,现在所有 KSM 持有人都可进行投票。
3- Referendum 136, upgrading to Kusama runtime to v9110, has been fast-tracked by the Technical Committee and is now up for vote by all KSM holders.
民主公投 136,升级 Kusama runtime 至 v9100,被技术委员会快速追踪,现在所有 KSM 持有人都可进行投票。