Polkadot from A to Z is a series created by W3F for beginners. It belongs to the ELI5 series which stands for Explain Like I'm 5. The idea of this series is to simplify and explain features and ideas within the ecosystem "as simple as possible".
波卡 A 到 Z 是由 W3F 官方为初学者创建的名词解释系列内容。它属于 ELI5 系列,全称为 “Explain Like I'm 5”。本系列的旨在简化及解释生态内不同的功能和名词,让大家尽可能简单地做了解。
OpenSquare has been translating the series of Polkadot from A to Z, and posted on different chinese apps for a better understanding in blockchain as well. Here is the compilation of it. And we might be able to continue inputting.
OpenSquare 将该系列翻译成了中文,并在不同平台进行了发布,也为了让更多区块链的朋友了解波卡生态。合集整理在了这里。其他或将会陆续发布在本帖。